Air Quality and Health Teaching Resources for Elementary and Secondary Education

Classroom Sessions

Interested in having a presenter come to your classroom to explore issues of air quality and health with your students? Sessions will be conducted with linkages to the Prescribed Learning Outcomes found in the British Columbia Curriculum. Classroom sessions can be arranged for grades 5 to 12.

To book a session contact PGAIR at

Resource Package

In 2013, a resource package was formulated for educators in Prince George to explore the issues of air quality with their students as part of a project funded by Environment Canada and the Prince George Air Improvement Roundtable.  To access lesson plans, project ideas, field trip information and much more check out the online version of this resource package by following the link below:  

Sustainability Education in the Classroom: Air Quality and Health Resouce Package for Educators in Prince George, BC

School District 57 Learning Commons

Check out all the great resource materials related to issues of air quality at the District Learning Commons located at 3400 Westwood Drive (former John McInnis Jr. Secondary School).  There are two hard copies of the Sustainability Education in the Classroom: Air Quality and Health Resource. 

Package for Educators in Prince George, BC at the District Learning Commons, one of which is found in an Educational Kit (Sustainability Education: Air Quality and the Healthy Lung).  

The Exploration Place Air Quality School Program

The Exploration Place Museum located next to Fort George Park is offering a school program specifically exploring air quality and the impacts poor air quality has on health. This field trip is most appropriate for primary or intermediate students.  If your school is located within 5 kilometres of The Exploration Place, consider taking students to the museum by means of active transportation such as by bicycle.  Attending the school program could become a day event, promoting active living and clean transportation by bicycling both ways and refuelling with a picnic lunch in Fort George Park.  

To book a field trip to the museum or for more information go to the Online Booking Form at